Friday, February 21, 2014

Chairs, Chairs, Everywhere There's Chairs. . .

Among other things, I have a fondness for chairs. More specifically: cute, old chairs.
Over the years, I've brought home several- much to my hubby's dismay.
He always says we don't have room for another chair. Somehow, I find space:)

Like for this cute blue one that sits in the corner of our living room.
It was already painted the right shade of blue.
Even better- it only cost me five dollars at a thrift store.

(FYI: the shutter on the wall came from a yard sale
and the afghan in the basket came from a thrift store.)

Just around the corner from the blue chair is this darling old blue desk.
Would you believe that it was that color when I bought it?
It's like it was designed for my living room.
I got this fella for five dollars at a yard sale.

My hubby was with me when I spotted this corner chair at an estate sale. I thought it was so unique.
I have it sitting next to the piano.
This one cost ten dollars.

(The top afghan in the chair came from a thrift store.)

Wanna guess where I got this cute little green stool?
At the roadside. Can you believe that somebody was getting rid of this?
It was already distressed, so I was willing to overlook the fact that it's not sturdy enough to sit on.
But it sure looks cute sitting along the wall in my kitchen.:)

(By the way, the crate and two drawers on the left came from an antique store,
the large flower from a yard sale, and the tin pot from a thrift store.)

I also have delightfully mismatched chairs around my kitchen table (three of the four came from yard sales), I use an old jury chair as a desk chair (bought at an estate sale), and have a really old school chair (from the thrift store) as decor in our guest bathroom. Who says you can't decorate with secondhand stuff?!?
But if you're wondering, not everything in my house is pre-owned:)

So, stop on by for a visit- I've got plenty of seating!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.
Psalm 25:4


  1. Thanks for stopping by at my Fabulous Friday Link Party and Giveaway.. Love your post on chairs. I love chairs and I have remodeled many chaird by changing fabric or painting them. Very similar to what you have done! Thanks

  2. Oh but the things we can do with old chairs....a bit of paint here and there and they have a new life.
