Friday, February 14, 2014

Super Easy Purse DIY

I was slowly browsing the aisles in Hobby Lobby when I spotted a cute black and white tote.
I picked it up off the rack thinking about how I was in need of a new purse.
But I couldn't just carry around a plain old tote- even if it did have chevron stripes.
So I stood there wondering what I could do to give it a little pep.
Flowers make anything look better, so I picked up a few.
Voila! My new purse!

To make it, all I used was a tote and three pre-made flowers and a glue gun.

The flowers are from a new line that Hobby Lobby is carrying called Fashion Tid Bits.
They have both a pin and a clip on the backs.
This line has a ton of beautiful flowers.
I had a hard time deciding on only three.

I pinned the flowers in a triangle on the right side of the bag.
Then I used my glue gun and put some glue around the pins to make sure
they weren't going to fall off.
I really don't think you can make a purse any easier than this!
Isn't it darling?

I added a hankie that I had picked up at an estate sale.
I can't decide whether I like it better with it or without it.
What do you think?
I used a 40% off coupon on my tote, so it was only $7.
I paid three dollars for each flower (I was so excited to make the project, I didn't want to wait for them to go on sale. Sometimes I just have to pay full price:).
All together this purse cost less than $20 including the vintage hankie.
Cute and reasonable, I'd say.
If you like this, go here to see another purse made from a Hobby Lobby tote.
By the way, Happy Valentine's Day! Hope it's a lovely one:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.
Psalm 2:12

1 comment:

  1. Super cute!!! Chevrons are all the rage now. Love the upholstery strap handle.Those flowers is just what it needed. You won't be using that hankie crying over the purchase price...Lol.
