Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Layout of the Week #85

Today I have a quick and easy layout to share with you.
I know that I often throw around the term "quick and easy," but this definitely fits that bill.
Here's the layout we'll be creating.
Yours will end up looking similar, but obviously, not exactly like it as you'll
be using your own products.
I think that's the beauty of this tutorial. You can use products that you already have.

To create it, you'll need:
two pieces of 12"x 12" pattern papers
one pre-printed title block or letter stickers for the title
journaling card (note card or postcard will work)
2-3 types of decorative tape

Decide which pattern paper will be the background.
Trim the other one to 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" and adhere it centered to the background paper.

Adhere your first photo in the upper left corner.

Place your title in the upper right corner. 
I used a pre-printed title, but if you don't have one that will work for your theme,
you can use letter stickers.

Place two photos overlapping in the lower right corner.

Add decorative tape strips to your photos.
I also added some to the lower left corner of the pattern paper, too.

Write your journaling on your journaling card and adhere it to the left of the bottom photos.
That's it, my friends. It was quick and easy, wasn't it?
If you enjoyed this tutorial, feel free to come by every other Wednesday for a new layout tutorial.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5

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