Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #116

Well, I had last Saturday morning all to myself- my boys had spent the night at my mom's
and my hubby had to work. I bet you can't guess how I spent it?
That's right. I headed out to some estate sales.
There were two that I knew of on opposite sides of town.
The first one I made it to had lots of stuff, but it was so overpriced.
They had some awesome vintage toys, but they were just too expensive.
I'll show you what I did find though.
First, you have to see the awesome bag I found recently at a gift shop - it's made from a rice bag.
It cost $8.
I just love it.
Isn't it awesome?!?
I went to the estate sale on the second day, so everything was half off.
I got this ammo pouch for $2.
My hubby was tickled with this find.

I paid a dollar for this old book.
I am a sucker for old sheet music.

I got it to cut up for jewelry projects because the music notes and print are so small.
Once I looked at the copyright which is 1923, I'm not so sure I'll cut it up.
Hmm. . .

This is a large piece of fabric that I got for $1.50.
I'll be using this for lots of projects- I love this print!

I got these two pieces of silverware for a dollar apiece.
I am bound and determined to make silverware jewelry. . . one of these days!
Isn't this bowl beautiful?
It's just a small dish. I paid $1 for it. I love the print on it.
Believe it or not, but of the two yard sales I stopped at, I only bought a few items.
One was this partial roll of toile for a quarter.
I also bought two board games to donate to the church Game Night.
I drove quite a few miles to the second estate sale, but it wasn't open. I don't know if it was Friday sale only or what. That was frustrating.
You should have seen the house. It was truly a mansion. I would have loved to go through it.
Do rich people really have estate sales? The estate sales I usually go to are just normal houses:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you;
do not fear nor be dismayed.
Deut. 31:8
 This post is linked to My Repurposed Life and Embracing Change.

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