Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #119

I was out of town last weekend and got the chance to stop into a couple of thrift stores on my trip.
I always enjoy visiting my usual stores, but I really love getting to shop at new ones.

Check out this old peach crate that I found. It was marked $8- I asked the gal running the shop
if I could give her $5. She seemed happy to get rid of it.

Well, I sure was happy to take it off her hands!
See the printing on the side?
I'm going to place it under my door couch for storage.
Now I only need three more. . . :)

I got this beautiful teacup for a quarter.

The matching creamer dish was a dollar.
Cute, huh?
There were lots of the matching plates for fifty cents each,
although I only got one.
I plan to use it to make another china plate wreath.
That's it, my friends.
I'm hoping to hit some yard sales this weekend. I haven't had any major scores lately, so I'm due:)
Good luck to all of you with your treasure hunting!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10


  1. fun finds - especially that crate! You should come link up over at my party that opens up tomorrow morning!

  2. Thanks for linking your post up to TTF! I just so happened to pick up one of those peach crates (exactly like yours) this weekend! :)
