Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #121

Some days I go into the thrift store and only find one good thing.
Other days I go in and wish that I had a shopping basket.
Today was a basket kind of day.
I got these two tea towels for a quarter each.
They have just a little wear, but they still look good.
I'm going to turn them into a pillow.

I got this roll of brand new grosgrain ribbon for $2.
Now believe me when I say it's a huge roll of ribbon. . .

like this huge!!!
What on earth am I going to do with all this pretty ribbon?
I'm not sure, but I just couldn't pass it up.

I got two bundles of thick lace for fifty cents.
I've told you before that I never pass up cheap lace:)
I may use some of this as trim on my tea towel pillow. . .

I got this New Testament Bible for a dime.
It's copyright is 1957.
It has beautiful color illustrations, and I liked its small size.

I know, I know. You're probably looking at these sparkly wristlets wondering just what I was thinking when I bought them.
Well, I have just the project for them. Come back before the Fourth of July and you'll see what I have up my sleeve (ha! get it? up my sleeve?)
These were a dime apiece.

My final purchase was this dessert plate for fifty cents. It's yet another piece for my friend who is planning a plate display. I've picked up several for her and I'm thinking that we may be getting close to having enough to plan out her display.
That's all. Not much, but just enough.
I wish you all luck on your treasure hunting this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.
Psalm 56:3
 This post is linked to Simple Nature Decor and Glitter, Glue, and Paint.

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