Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #123

This summer, I've signed my boys up for art lessons.
I'm trying to ignite a passion for art in their hearts, but they are pretty resistant.
Unfortunately, I think the quirky teacher may be turning them off.
Anyway, when I took them to class last Saturday, I was fired up because I had gotten an e-mail about an estate/liquidation sale on the street where their lessons are located.
Imagine my delight when I discovered the sale was in the same building as their lessons!
It was in a big area around the back.
I found this lovely scale for $3.
Yes, you've seen me buy scales before.
I don't know what it is about them that I just can't pass up.
I tried not getting this one. I saw it, walked past it, looked at everything else, then headed back over and picked it up to claim it as my own.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it though.
I already have worked one scale into my dining room decor and two into my living room!:)
I got these two old children's reading books for $1.50 for both.
I just love the graphics.
I paid $1 for this letter H.
It's for my soon-to-be alphabet wall display.
I'm just a few letters short before I can hang it up. Yay!
I got these two buckle/pendant things for fifty cents.
They're so pretty. The picture just doesn't do them justice.
This old floral frog was a dollar. It's tiny and old.
I now have two of these guys.
My final find was this large 10" tall jar.
The gal threw it in for free!
I just love free stuff:)
I'm hoping to try painting it with chalkboard paint.
Great finds, huh?
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

1 comment:

  1. 264How fun an alphabet wall, hope you find the rest of the letters you need. Can't wait to see it! Nice treasures, love the graphics in the books.
