Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #124

Have you hit any good yard sales lately?
The last couple of weekends, my neighborhood has had a slew of them!
Unfortunately, I've had busy Saturday mornings and haven't been able to check them out.
Not cool.

But my hubby and I were out and about recently and we got to stop at a yard sale. 
I didn't get anything, but he picked up this lovely afghan for $6.
The couple having the sale was older and the man said that his mom had made it.
I was surprised that they were selling it. (I would have treasured it if my mom had made it.)
Sometimes it's strange to see the kinds of things that people get rid of.
Anyway, my hubby is 6'5 and was pleased to see that this will be long enough
to cover him all the way up.

On my weekly (well, almost every week) jaunt to the thrift store, I found this lovely platter for $.75.
Old platters just make me happy.
I love using them when I bring baked goodies to a function.

I don't always find old gems like the above platter.
Sometimes I find useful stuff.
Although these aren't as exciting purchases to share with you, I still want to show you good deals:)
I never pass up graph paper at the thrift store. I got this practically new package for $.50.
I also got two bundles of staples for a quarter.
Another item I never pass up is metal embroidery hoops.
Love them.
This one was fifty cents.
They work great for mobiles- I've used one on a snowflake mobile.
I plan to use one to make a vintage silverware mobile. That will be cute, huh?
Well, I'm not working this Friday, so I'm hoping my neighborhood yard sale scene will be hopping this weekend. I hope you all have great luck in your neighborhoods, too!
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved.
John 3:17
This post is linked to Be Different, Act Normal, Junkin' Joe, and Embracing Change.

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