Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #130

My hubby and I don't have the same ideas of ways to spend free time,
but one thing we like to do together is go to yard sales.
As long as his work schedule cooperates, he enjoys coming with me.
And I always love having him come.
Here's what we found on our last jaunt together. . .

You know how I love globes.
I spent $4 on this guy.
I like the coloring on this one.

This vintage tray was only a quarter.
I've seen people do cute things with them on Pinterest, so I have some ideas on what to do with it.
It's about 8 1/2"x 14".

I haven't picked up any old books in awhile.
This one is a Bookkeeping and Accounting Course Book.
It was fifty cents.
It will be turned into a Junk Journal- stay tuned:)

I'm not for sure what this old thing was, but it will become a photo holder.
It cost $1.

Last, but not least, I found this pastry cutter for fifty cents. It, too, will soon hold photos.

I try to only pick up items that I know I can use- and I have ideas of what to do with all of these items, so I'd say it was a morning well spent- and the company was the best part:)

Good luck with your secondhand shopping this week.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless. 
I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
 This post is linked to I Heart NaptimeCraft-O-Maniac, and Simple Nature Decor.


  1. the thing with the teal handle is a comb to groom your livestock with. good luck with your project!

  2. You have the best finds
    Thanks for sharing them at Fabulous Friday
