Friday, September 19, 2014

5 Minute Ring DIY

Would you like to make a piece of jewelry in five minutes?
Well, follow me and you'll have a new ring before you know it. :)
Here's the ring I made.
Yours will look like whichever pendant you choose.

To make one you need a ring blank,
a necklace pendant,
and E-6000 glue.
Using wire cutters, cut the necklace loop off the pendant.
Then apply E600 glue to the ring blank and place it directly on the
center of the backside of the pendant.
Allow to dry for 24 hours.

Voila! A brand new ring!
Wouldn't these make great gifts?
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Have a great weekend!
He who follows righteousness and mercy
finds life, righteousness and honor.
Proverbs 21:21


  1. Great ring? I like the way you've used the cabochon. If you're looking for another place to share your projects, I would love to have you stop by Etcetorize and join our Make it Monday party.

  2. I came over from Make It Monday to admire the ring. Very lovely! thank you for sharing the tutorial. I personally swear by E6000 glue.
