Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Layout of the Week #95

I have to say that when it comes to scrapbooking, I am a random scrapbooker.
I don't scrap my photos in order.
There's really no rhyme or reason to my choices.
 I just grab whatever photos will fit on my layout.
For today's Layout of the Week, I chose pictures from last year's Halloween.
See. Totally not chronological.
Here's the layout we'll be creating.
Yours will look slightly different as you'll be using your own products,
but the framework will be the same.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x 12" pattern paper
one pattern paper strip measuring 1"x 12"
one pattern paper strip measuring 1 1/2"x 9 3/4"
one pattern paper strip measuring 3"x 11 1/2"
one pattern paper strip measuring 1"x 6" (I used three tickets for this one)
journaling card (I used a Bridge score card -a note card would work as well)
stickers in your theme
title sticker or letter stickers for your title
paper trimmer
two vertical photos
optional: two types of decorative tape
First, adhere the paper strip measuring 1 1/2"x 9 3/4"
about 1" from the bottom of the page.

Now adhere the piece of paper measuring 3"x 11 1/2"
just above the first piece.

Place the 1"x 12" strip of pattern paper along the top edge of the first piece you adhered.
It will overlap the second piece.

Place your first photo just above the middle strip of paper
about 1" from the right edge of the background paper.

Place your second photo along the edge of the middle pattern paper.
It should be about 3/4" to the right of the first photo.
Don't fully adhere the left edge of this photo.

Place your 1"x 6" strip of pattern paper vertically between the two photos.

Place your journaling card slightly behind the left photo.
Wait to write on it until you place the embellishments.
That way you won't end up covering up some of your writing.

Place 3-4 stickers at the lower left corner of the left photo.
Place one sticker at the upper right corner of the right photo.
I also placed word stickers along the corners of the top left corner
and bottom right corner of the background.

Place your title sticker along the bottom of the right photo.

Write on your journaling card.
optional: Place a strip of decorative tape along the bottom of the journaling card
and above the left photo.
We're done!
Stop by every other Wednesday for a new layout tutorial.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Blessed be Your glorious name,
which is exalted above all blessing and praise!
Neh. 9:5

 This post is linked to Daisy Cottage Designs, Craft-O-Maniac, and Ivy and Elephants.

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