Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lovelies That I Love

This week's features are some of my favorites. . .
items that I love, items that I'd truly like to have.
I love anything made by Beth Quinn Designs.
Isn't this necklace fabulous?
This website has so many different beautiful choices- they'd make great gifts!

How beautiful is this ring by The Vintage Pearl?
I love that you can have your own message written on it.
You can find it here.
They have all types of jewelry- much of it customizable.

I know I've shared one of Selina Vaughn's grain sack purses before,
but a list of my favorites wouldn't be complete without including one of these:)
I think this one would be perfect for me because I grew up in Iowa- the tall corn state.
You can it here

I. Love. Clogs.
For real. 
I've wanted a pair for my whole adult life.
How darling are these clogs?
I also love vintage typewriters.
Twice I've had one of these within my grasp, but just didn't have the money at the time to buy them.
What a beauty.
Such a shame that I missed out.
What do you think? Are any of my favorites your favorites?
P.S. My hubby could actually use this post as my Christmas wish list. . . (hint, hint)
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 21:21

1 comment:

  1. I wore clogs in the 1970's when they were quite the fashion statement. I loved them. Wish I had held onto a pair or two.
