Monday, September 8, 2014

Old, Chippy, Chalkboard Door

Well, I didn't get as many projects done over the summer as I had hoped,
but there is one big thing that I tackled.
I sanded and painted this old door.
I just love old solid wood doors.
I have three in a display in my livingroom,
one in my kitchen,
and one as my headboard in the bedroom.
That's a lot of old doors!
Here's what it looked like.
I got this from my neighbor's driveway.
It had a sign on it that said, "For free."
The sign may as well have just said, "Laura, come get me!"

I started by painting the center panels with three coats of chalkboard paint.
Then I painted the rest of it with one coat of a lemon-y yellow.
It already had an awesome old, chippy look. There was one small area that looked like it had tape over it when it was painted with the white, so I hoped the yellow would cover that area.
It did- well enough anyway!

Once that dried, I sanded it, and applied a brown antiquing wax to give it this aged look.
I also conditioned the chalkboard sections.

What do you think?
Pretty cute, huh?
I'm thinking it would look good hung lengthwise in my kitchen as a message center.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
For the Lord your God is gracious and merciful,
and will not turn His face from you if you return to Him.
2 Chron. 30:9


  1. This is so neat!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week! Don't forget to enter the $25 Starbucks giftcard giveaway!

  2. I just finished painting an old door tonight - I have to distress it and then wax. Then I plan to make use it in my entryway. I like your idea of using chalkboard paint - maybe I'll do that on my pantry doors...Good idea! I'll be posting about my door soon too.

  3. Cute! I'm sure you will enjoy it as a message center! Looks very fallish too! :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. You can't get any better than FREE. Love this project and it really would look great hung horizontally or just propped up the way it is. Thanks so much for sharing at the Vintage Inspiration Party.
