Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #134

My thrifty finds are short and sweet today. . .
I got these three pretty saucers for a quarter apiece.
I just love serving dessert on cute mismatched plates.
My boys and hubby don't find it as cute as I do, but it makes me happy:)

This little teacup was only a quarter too.
I'd like to learn how to make my own candles in teacups.
I found these three cookbooks and immediately thought of a friend who collects vintage cookbooks.
Two of them are the Joy of Cooking and the third one is Ladies Home Journal Cookbook.
They are copyrighted 1954, 1963, and 1964.
My friend was thrilled to add these to her collection for $1 apiece.
Won't they look awesome sitting on a shelf in a kitchen? 
This metal embroidery hoop was only a quarter.
I don't find these very often, so I pick them up when I do.
I think they are great to use when making mobiles.

My final find was the Deal of the Day!
My son recently got into archery. He bought a nice bow and bow case, but was still shopping around for a target- they're so expensive!
I spotted this one for $10. My son happened to be waiting for me in the car, so he was able to come in and get it. He was thrilled. He said that this size and brand of target brand new costs around $100.
I just love finding a good deal- especially at the thrift store!
That's all, Folks!
Happy treasure hunting!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Righteousness will go before Him,
and shall make His footsteps our pathway.
Psalm 85:13

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