Monday, October 13, 2014

Mini Album Monday #40- 30 Days of Lists part 2

This week is a part two of an album that I completed for the 30 Days of Lists challenge.
You can go here to see the first 15 days,
Today I'll be showing you the second 15 days. 

Here's the cover.
Throughout the book, I used lots of random papers and game pieces (mostly purchased
while secondhand shopping).
The challenge is completing a list everyday for 30 days.
I prepared my book ahead of time, so all that I had to do daily was add the title and journaling.
I think this challenge is a great way to capture your personality.

Day 15: Favorite cliches
I actually added the subtitle, "AKA Laura-isms" so that I could make a list of the
silly phrases I use often. My family actually had fun helping me make this list.
Yes, I really do say these things!
There were so many sayings, I had to carry the list over to the backside of that page!
Day 16: Posters I that were on my walls when I was growing up
This one was hard for me- I could only remember two
This page was an envelope, so the next list pulled out. . .

Day 17: Reasons to ____________.
We got to fill in this blank.
I chose Reasons to Scrapbook

On the left, Day 18: Things I do that I wish made me money
On the right, Day 19: I feel coziest when

left, Day 20:Guilty Pleasures
right, Day 21: Meal planning for this week
This one was easy for me because I always plan my meals out a week at a time!
The page on the right is actually a piece of wallpaper with a tag on it.
The actual prompt for Day 21 was: podcasts I love.
Well, I don't listen to podcasts, so I changed it to TV shows I love.

Day 23: Don't tell anybody, but . . .

Day 24: My favorite authors
Day 25: What balance means to me
The page on the left, I wrote my list sideways to go with the orientation of the paper.

on the left, Day 26: Rules for traveling with me
on the right, Day 27: I am thankful for

Day 28: This time next year

on the left, Day 29: Accomplishments I am most proud of
on the right, Day 30: On my mind today

The last list was on the backside of this page with a postcard stamp.

 I sure enjoyed this challenge. There were many topics I never would've thought of.
I'm looking forward to their next round in the spring.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High
Psalm 92:1

This post is linked to It's Overflowing, Natasha In Oz, and Skip to My Lou

1 comment:

  1. Just love this idea! I am pinning this so that I can make one of my own!
