Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #138

In my town, there are two thrift stores right in a row- if I'm not mistaken,
they are run by the same group, but one is far better than the other.
Go figure that one out.
I think that's because its staff consists of almost all older people.
When I only have time to stop at one thrift store, this is the store I'll pop into.
That was the case this week.
I happened across these cool small sign holders.
They're originally from Ikea.
I paid $.75 for each one.
I kind of like the artwork that's in them, although they'd look cute holding vintage postcards, too!
They're double sided, but somehow, I only ended up with a photo of one side.

I picked up two books at a quarter apiece for my boys to read. 
I'm always trying to find something that they enjoy reading.
My older son started reading one of the last books that I bought at the thrift store, and he says that it's one of the best books he's ever read!
Not too bad for a quarter:)

I got this small silver tray for a quarter, too.
I'm getting a nice collection of these.
I've seen a photo where somebody made a wall display out of silver trays- it was beautiful!
I don't really have the space for that, so I'll probably make a wreath out of them.
As I was leaving the store, there was a box out front that was labeled, "Free."
Far be it from me to pass up something for free:)
I found this old shorthand book in it.

It's hard to see in this photo, but it has pages and pages of shorthand.
This book was published in 1951.
Pretty cool.

I also found this workbook.

I brought it home because of the cute graphics in it.
I'll be taking my circle punch to it and making some cute tags for scrapbooking.
Did you tally up my total? $2.25!
So glad I took the few minutes to stop:)
Happy treasure hunting to you all!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

For to be carnally minded is death,
but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6
 This post is linked to Embracing Change, Junkin' Joe, and My Salvaged Treasures.


  1. Great vintage finds. I especially like the shorthand book and the silver tray. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  2. Love the shorthand book - who knows how to do that anymore, I wonder?

  3. Glad to see that your boys are "real, page turners". That workbook is going to make really cute tags~~~great finds! I always rummage through the free books also. In 1970 I was suppose to start my first year shorthand...they discontinued it over summer break.
