Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #143

I always enjoy a jaunt through a thrift store.
I home-school my kids, so sometimes this is what I do to get a little "me" time.
This and swinging by Sonic Happy Hour for a big Diet Coke:)

Here's what I found this week. . . 

I got this stack of books for ten cents apiece.
Not for their reading potential, but for a little project I have in mind.
Come back on Friday to see what it is:)

I got this bundle of pretty lace for fifty cents.
I think I'll use it for gift wrapping.

This bolt of lace was fifty cents, too.
It's beige with some rose colored edging- very pretty and very vintage looking.
I'm not sure what I'll use this for. . . maybe on a pillow?

 I think most people would have passed up these metal rings, but not me.
No Sir-ree-bob!
I got four of them for fifty cents.
They will become a mobile of some sort.
Can't wait:)

Last, but not least, I got this old measuring tape for a quarter.

 One thrift store's junk is this gal's treasure!

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
1 Cor. 2:5

1 comment:

  1. You sure know how to bargain shop. I love those books. Thanks so much for sharing your thrifty finds at Vintage Inspiration Party.
