Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lovelies That I Love

Welcome to the first Lovelies that I Love of the new year!
Every other Wednesday I show you some cool stuff that I find while browsing online.
Today I thought I'd take this time and show you some awesome products that
 I just so happened to get for Christmas. :)

I got this rockin' Junk Patrol t-shirt.
Totally love it-along with all the other shirts this site offers.

Isn't this metal ruler bracelet great?
It looks like measuring tape.
I was tickled when my hubby got me this.
It looks very cute with my t-shirt (shown above).

I mentioned this product last week- Miss Mustard Seed's Hemp Oil.
I've used it once and can't wait to use it again- it's easy to use, has simple clean up and doesn't even really have an odor.

I got several charms from Ellie Lance Creations.
This one is a gondola
They have so many to choose from!
I'm excited to start my own charm bracelet.
One of the beauties of having a charm bracelet is that your loved ones
 always have a gift idea for you.

My mom got me a Fit Bit.
I love it!
It not only keeps track of my steps, but also my calories burned and distance traveled. 
I wear it everyday.
It. Is. Awesome.

That's it for today. I thank each and every one of you for stopping by.
God bless.

P.S. I am not affiliated with these companies, I just like their stuff.

'For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, 
saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'
Isaiah 41:13

This post is linked to Tip Junkie I Heart Naptime, and Between Naps on the Porch.

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