Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #151

It's Thursday. . . you know what that means!
A glimpse into my thrift store visit.

I got this beautiful scarf for fifty cents.
I love the purple and red flowers on it.
My sister had been wanting a scarf to tie on the strap of her purse, 
so I washed it up and gave it to her.
She loved it!

I don't buy many clothes secondhand and I really don't usually buy used shoes,
but these Sbicca wedges were only $2.
They're usually $60 and up.
You can go here and see some of their sandals. Swoon.

I also got this book for a quarter.
If you've never read a Harlan Coben novel, I recommend it.
I always enjoy his books.

I really scored with the vintage trim.
I got these three unopened packages---

plus these four.
The seam binding was a dime apiece and the white lace was a quarter.

That was all I could rustle up this week.
Stop back next Thursday for some more treasures.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this:
 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Gal. 5:14

This post is linked to Junkin' Joe, The Crafted Sparrow, Be Different, Act Normal,
and Ivy and Elephants


  1. You sure found some fun treasures. Happy thrifting to you!!

  2. love the scarf, will you make something from it, if you have not already, stop by Fabulous Friday and share your finds

  3. Great finds! I love vintage trims in the packages. I buy them whenever I find them at a good price.
