Monday, February 23, 2015

Mini Album Monday #48- Simple Junk Journal

One of my favorite ways to make a mini album is to use an old book cover and fill it with pages.
I call them Junk Journals.
Today's album is made with a wee little cover that measures 4"x 7".
I'd been wanting to use it for an album, but wasn't for sure what I'd do with one so little.

Then I signed up for another round of 30 Days of Lists 
and I thought this little fella would work perfectly.
If you don't know what this challenge is, go here to read about it.

The last time I did this challenge, I made a more detailed album that took more work.
This time I wanted something cute and simple so that all I have to do is add my list every day.

You can go here if you want to register for the March round of 30 Days of Lists.

 Here's the cover.
I bound it with my Zutter Bind-It-All.
The book cover was pretty thick.
I had a heck of a time getting it into the machine to punch the holes!
But when I'm determined, no machine is going to stop me:)

I added a 3"x 4" journaling card at the beginning.
I plan to make this my intro page.
Nearly every album I make has a dedication page stating why I made it.

I used a total of 15 pages that I trimmed to 4"x 6".
 I plan to place a list on the front and the back of each page.

All my papers came from this 8"x 8" pack by My Mind's Eye.
I love the colors and the prints.

After every third page, I added a 3"x 4" journaling card that features a nice quote.

This style of album is simple if you'd like to make one.

Just choose an old book and carefully cut off the cover.

Then cut pages to fit.

If you don't have a binding machine, just punch holes and bind the book with office rings.

You could add photos, journaling, or even mementos.
This type of book would be great to feature Instagram photos!

Since my pages are small, I'm going to have just enough room for my journaling cards.

 I trimmed some old ledger paper to 3"x 4"

I can't decide if I'm going to decorate the inside covers or not.
I kind of like the "Discard" stamp showing that this is an old library book.

Come back at the end of March to see how my book turns out.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
Eph. 6:24

This post is linked to The Dedicated House, Between Naps on the Porch,
I Heart Naptime, and It's Overflowing.