Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #152

Believe it or not, but I braved cold and rainy weather to make it into the thrift store this week.
It was the only time I could carve out of my schedule, so I pulled on my hood and dodged puddles.
I could've just skipped, but then I would've missed out on. . . 

these awesome glass bottles for a quarter each.
I think they were wine bottles, but somebody did a top notch job of removing all the labels.
They will probably become candle holders.

I also found these lovely 13"x 15" wooden frames.
I love how wide the wood is.
These are just screaming for some turquoise colored stain!
They were $.75 each.

My last purchase was a few books.
Five to be exact.
Guess how much I paid for all of them?
Twenty-five cents!
The store had a special going on. . . buy one book, get five free!
(Where's the sixth book, you ask? Well, for some reason, my mind locked onto the number five, so that's what I went to the check-out with. Once I figured it out, I wasn't about to go back to find another one.)
Three are just-for-fun reading, one is for my son to read,
 and the other is an old book called, "Sunday School Officers."
Wouldn't that last one make a cute journal?

It was a short and sweet (and wet) trip this week!
Stop back next Thursday to see what I dig up then!

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

His praise endures forever.
Psalm 111:10

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