Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #155

It was slim pickings in the secondhand shopping this week.
I actually had some time to myself and took the opportunity to browse.
I slowly walked through my three usual thrift stores.
Sadly, there wasn't much that interested me.

I only bought three different things. . . 

I got four of these for a quarter apiece.
I'm actually not sure what they are. . . 
They look like replicas of Spanish coins.
Anybody know what they are?
I plan to turn them into bracelets.

You know how I love old books.
This Webster's Secretarial Handbook was fifty cents.
It was printed in 1976.

It's in pristine condition!
I think it would make a great gift for an administrative assistant.
I've been thinking of opening an Etsy store for finds like this.

I also got this pack of photo album refills for fifty cents.
Sounds pretty lame, but I can either add these to my photo album (I keep one every year and print out the photos I take) or I could use them as pages in a scrapbook (which I've done before).
Either way, I wasn't going to pass up this buy.

That's all. Two bucks and one hour well spent.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Do all things without complaining and disputing. 
Phil. 2:14


  1. I love coin bracelets, can't wait to see it
    thanks for the share on Fab Friday

  2. The coins were very interesting, I wonder if they were holding scarfs ? But they would look great as bracelets ! Well done, I also love those old thrift stores !!
