Monday, March 23, 2015

Mini Album Monday #50- We Are Loved Album

A few years ago, I read about a great idea to show some family love.
The whole family sits around the table and everyone takes a turn to say
what they love about each other.
To make it even more special, a crown that says, "I am loved," should be worn by each member as the nice things are being said about him or her.

When I did this with my family, I recorded all the answers and put them into this mini album.

I started with an old piece of junk mail that was sent with a CD in it.
I removed the CD holder so that all was left was the case.
Then I painted it light blue and added some pattern paper to the cover.
The title was printed on a transparency which was then attached to the cover.

The interior pages are just one long strip of cardstock that is accordion folded
so that it would fit into the case.
I added a quote about family to the inside cover.
Then I placed the title on the first page.

Each family member has one layout.
On the left side, I placed a strip of pattern paper to add some color, then added a photo with a tab stating the family member's name.

On the right side, I printed out all the responses on colored cardstock.
Then I used letter stickers to write each person's name.

I took a photo of everyone wearing the crown and that's the photo I used.
I made a very simple crown- I just cut a strip of cardstock and added a heart
with letter stickers that said, "I am loved."

On each photo, I added a tag with each person's age at the time. 
How cute does my younger son look here? This was how he chose to pose.
I miss those days. . .  :)
I am not only glad that I did this with my family, but I'm so glad that I recorded the answers!
On this page at the bottom in parenthesis, I added this memory, "When it was Ethan's turn to wear the crown, he whispered, 'I know what I'm going to say!' which was funny because he wasn't supposed to talk about himself. Then he whispered to his brother, "Say cute!"
I wouldn't have remembered this moment if I hadn't written it down and it tickled me pink to read it.
Even if you don't want to make an album like this, try the activity.
Write down the responses in a notebook.
Someday you'll be glad you did.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
O Lord, my strength and my fortress,
my refuge in the day of affliction
Jer. 16:19

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