Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #157

Great news!
 I discovered a resale shop very close to my home.
I've driven by several times, but I've never seen it open.
I happened to be out in the middle of the afternoon this past Saturday,
 and, as luck would have it, it's doors were open.
So, of course, I had to pop in to see what they had.
It was basically a huge garage full of stuff.
I looked all around, but didn't buy anything initially.
Later that afternoon, I took my hubby back.
Here's what we brought home.

It's an old Texas Instruments box.
The label says, "Warden Gravity Meter."
I have no idea what a gravity meter is, but I fell in love with this box.
It's about 21"tall and 12"wide.

I was attracted to it because of its size and all the awesome labels.
This one is a warning label.

I love the arrows and the Fragile sticker.

 The box itself is in great shape.
It even still has the original packing foam in the lid (I will be getting rid of that).

 From the minute I saw this guy, I knew just what I was going to do with it.
That's why I was willing to pay more than what I usually do when buying secondhand.
The fella was asking $75, but I got him to take $10 off the price because I bought another item.
You'll have to come back next week to see what else I bought.

Come back tomorrow to see what I did with this box.
Hint: it's now in my living room.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

And whatever you do in word or deed,
 do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
 giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Col. 3:17

This post is linked to Embracing Change, Life with Lorelai, and Simple Nature Decor.


  1. Thanks for linking up at the #HomeMattersParty!
    --Krista, The Quinntessential Mommy

  2. THANKS FOR SHARING THIS COOL BOX AT fabulous friday.. stop by this
