Friday, May 29, 2015

Sheet Music Letters

I'm still working on completing random letters to make an alphabet wall for my living room.
In my quest to use various mediums, I've somehow forgotten to use one of my favorite things-
sheet music!

The thought came to me when I was helping to decorate for a graduation party.
Both the honorees are avid music lovers.
I thought I'd get the large paper mache letters and cover them in sheet music.

Both the kids' names begin with A.

For this one, I used scrapbook paper that has a black background with white music printed on it.

I love the reverse look of the notes.

This one has actual sheet music on it
taken from a song book that I bought at the thrift store.

These letters are about 15" high.

I couldn't go to all this work without making a letter for my collection. . . .

If you'd like to make one for yourself, get a letter.
I used this N that I found a the thirft store.

I put Mod Podge all over the front of the letter, then laid the sheet music right on top of it
making sure that it was completely flat with no air bubbles.

After giving it a few minutes to dry, I used a small bit of sandpaper to sand around the edges and get rid of the excess paper.

Just a note: if you're using a wooden letter like this, you may want to paint the edges before applying the sheet music. It will give your end product a more finished look.
On the large paper mache letters, I cut strips of the paper and glued them along the edges.

That's it! I'm a few letters away from having a complete alphabet:)

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I fought the good fight, 
I have finished the race, 
I have kept the faith.
2 Tim. 4:7

This post is linked to I Heart Naptime, My Repurposed Life, The Crafted Sparrow,
and Ivy and Elephants.


  1. Those turned out so cute!! I love the idea. I like using old sheet music and recently scored a large box full at an estate sale.

  2. Great idea! I bought a hymn book to use the pages to do things like this but didn't know exactly what. Thanks for the inspiration!
