Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lovelies That I Love

Today I decided to go with a travel theme as it's summer. . . and summer is the time to travel.

My hubby and I met when we both lived in Germany,
 so we got to do a lot of traveling around Europe.
I count it as a double blessing that I saw Europe
 and that I got to see it with my honey!
Nowadays, most of our traveling involves camping with our boys.
Nevertheless, I always enjoy a good trip:)

I just love this travel wallet!
I love that it looks like an old envelope, has stamps, and
even the personalized message, "Off to see the world.""
Too cute.

I think it would be fantastic to keep a record of your travels.
Just think, if you got this, you could take it with you on all your trips.
You could include your packing list, funny anecdotes from the trip,
and you could even tuck tickets into it.

I love these luggage tags.
You wouldn't have any problem spotting these on the luggage turnstile!

This travel locket is so pretty.
It has room for a good size photo in it.

Do you need to get organized for a trip?
I love it!
If I got this, I'd have to keep it after the trip and put it into a travel journal:)

Ah, looking at this stuff just makes me want to get away!

I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, I just like their stuff.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Your name, O Lord, endures forever
Psalm 135:13

This post is linked to It's Overflowing, Too Much Time on My Hands, The Crafted Sparrow,
and Plucky's Second Thought.

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