Monday, July 13, 2015

Lace Table Runner

I am fortunate to have quite a collection of ribbons and lace.
Several years ago, I was given a huge supply of it.
I've been wanting to get into my drawer of lace and do something with it.

 I ended up with a lace table runner.
I started with several types of lace- some wide, some narrow- and started sewing them 
to one another. 
I added a short strip of lace at each end to finish it off.

It turned out very elegant.

I love the looks of all the different styles.

Originally I intended for it to be a scarf, but I felt it made a better table runner.
Especially after my hubby saw me wearing it and said, "It looks like you're getting ready to give Communion in the Catholic church." :)

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Blessed be the Lord my Rock
Psalm 144:1


  1. What a wonderful idea. I have a lot of lace myself and have used it along with material to make cute little toppers for my canned jars of jams, jellies and fruit. It doesn't use up a whole lot of lace. I just used all of my lace items in my recent post, Celebrating Garden Beauty....A Garden Tea Tablescape. Had I known earlier of your post, I would have tried your wonderful idea. This makes a beautiful runner. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Too funny what your husband said! Turned out very pretty as a runner.
