Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Layout of the Week #114

Today's layout is super easy.
Don't I say that every week?
Well, I always try to keep things simple.
If you try this, you'll see:)

Here's the layout we'll be completing.
(My scalloped circles are made from reflective paper which makes them hard to see. Sorry.)

To create it, you'll need:
one 12"x12" piece of pattern paper with a muted pattern
three pieces of pattern paper measuring 3 3/4"x 6"
three vertical photos measuring 3 1/2"x 5 1/4"
letter stickers for the title
three circles (mine are about 1 1/4" scalloped circles)
three embellishments that are small enough to overlap the circles
one roll of decorative tape
paper trimmer

Use your decorative tape to line the outer edges of the 12"x12" pattern paper.

Mat the photos on the 3 3/4"x 6" pieces of pattern paper.
Two of them should be matted towards the bottom of the paper
and one should be matted towards the top of the paper.

Place these three mats in a straight line about 2" from the top of the background paper.

Add your title in the lower right hand corner.
Place your journaling above that.
I had a long title that doubled as my journaling.

These pictures are from Father's Day.
 It's crazy how many pictures I have to take to get a good one even after this many years.
 I didn't figure that I needed to journal that because it's evident from the photos.
Instead I wrote, "Every day is a good day to make a memory." 
My background paper is covered with the repeating definition of memory.
My decorative tape lists the days of the week.
That's how I came up with my title/journaling.

Now place your circles on the thicker side of each mat.

Then place your embellishments overlapping those circles.
What do you think?
You could probably do this every other week, huh?
So can I. . . :)
Come back and follow along every other Wednesday and we'll quickly get your photos scrapped.

On another note, I'm thinking of making a video tutorial for Wednesday's Layouts of the Week instead of step-by-step photos. How do you all feel about that?
Would it be easier to follow?

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

The Lord is righteous in all His ways, 
gracious in all His works.
 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
 he also will hear their cry and save them. 
Psalm 145:17, 19

This post is linked to Plucky's Second Thought, My Girlish Whims, and Tip Junkie.

1 comment:

  1. This looks so cute! I love the idea!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
