Friday, July 31, 2015

My Summer Purse

I've been carrying around my current purse for sometime now,
so I've had the itch for a new one.

Most people would head to the store to buy one.
But I'm more frugal than most.

Instead of going to a department store, I went to the tote section at Hobby Lobby. :)

Here's my new purse.

I started with:
three flowers
a long strip of fabric (although ribbon would also work)
 and this plain burlap tote (the interior is a beautiful red and white striped fabric) 

It was very simple to embellish.
I used my hot glue gun to attach the fabric strip. I lined it up right at the end of the straps.
Then I glued on my trio of flowers.

I think this will do!

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, 
and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
Proverbs 31:26

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