Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #173

We're in prime yard sale-ing season, and I have to admit that I've gone to very few yard sales.
I work every Friday which leaves only Saturday mornings for me to hit some sales.
Like all of you, my Saturday mornings are easily eaten up by kids' activities, errands, chores, etc.

Because the Fourth falls on a Saturday this year, the clinic where I work is closed on Friday to observe the holiday which means I'm off on Friday.
Do you know what that means? 
Tomorrow I'm going to be up early scouting for some good sales.
I've been looking forward to this for two weeks!

My hubby and I went to an estate sale recently. 
We went on the last day which has its good points and bad points. 
What's good is that on the last day, everything is usually half off. 
What's not so good is sometimes there's not much left. 
Around here, estate sales get pretty picked through by the last day.
I found only one thing- this old colander.
I got it half off- only paid $2.
My hubby didn't find a thing.

Last week I showed you some fantastic beakers that I found on my thrift store run.
At the second store I stopped at, I also found a few things.
Like this saucer for a quarter.
I'm collecting a few of these for a project.
I can't justify getting any more for us to eat on because I have quite a few already.

I also got this tiny bowl for fifty cents.
This one is for my kitchen because I only have two like it.
I have found that these come in handy when I serve a meal requiring dipping sauce.

I am a nut for old books.
This one caught my eye because it's called A Mother's Year.

It says it is an exact reproduction of a book published in 1905.
It's filled with poems, sayings, and fantastic images like this.

I don't know what I'll do with it. I just couldn't pass it up for a quarter.
I really think I should open an Etsy store to sell things like this.
Things that are awesome and vintage that I don't want to pass up, but don't really need.
 Hmm. . . it's something to think about.

What about you? Have you found any good secondhand scores lately?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139:14

This post is linked to Life With Lorelai, The Crafted Sparrow, and My Girlish Whims.


  1. Love the fact that you quote Scripture, thank you.
    Great finds!
    Here from HomeMatters.

  2. There's something about thrifting that just gets us so excited! Thank you for linking up on the #HomeMattersParty linky.
