Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #174

I announced last week that I was actually off of work on Friday and was 
SUPER EXCITED to go yard sale-ing.
Well, I was off because of the holiday and I didn't even stop to think that there may not be any yard sales due to that same holiday.

That's right.
There were only three advertised in the paper.
 In July. 
That's practically unheard of in the summer.
Except for holiday weekends.
Silly me.

My son actually got up early to head out with me.
We were able to find four or five sales.
I only bought one thing.

This lovely globe.
Even without a stand, I couldn't leave it behind.
It was only $2.
When my son saw me carrying it back to the car, he shook his head at me.
When I opened the door, he said, "What is that? Globe #10?"
While I have several, I certainly don't have ten of them:)

Anyway, I enjoyed the special time with my 13-year- old.
I spent $2 at a yard sale,
$5 at the donut shop,
and $44 at a fireworks stand.
Time spent with my son= priceless.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies; 
in You I take shelter.
Psalm 143:9

This post is linked to Embracing Change and My Repurposed Life.

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