Friday, July 17, 2015

Vinyl Record Projects

In all my secondhand shopping, I've noticed that one thing I can almost always find is
 vinyl records.

You may be thinking, "Big deal. Nobody uses those anymore."

Well, let me show you what can be done with them. . .

I've turned some into a wreath

I've made some into bowls.

I've even cut them down and turned them into notebooks.

One of my favorite projects using vinyl records is this chandelier.
I made it using some ribbon, an old wheel and eight small records.

The easiest project that I've made with them is this plate stand.

You can go here and see how a friend and I used vinyl records
 to decorate a music themed graduation party (which includes the above chandelier).

So, how about it?
Think you'll pick up a few records next time you stumble across them?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, 
slow to anger and great in mercy.
Psalm 145:8


  1. These projects are so clever. I especially like the notebook cover!

  2. I'm finding your post at such a great time. My hubby LOVES vinyls. He just found many of his dad's old records in his mom's attic. They're unsalvageable, so it would be cute to decorate his man cave with them. Thanks for sharing with the #homemattersparty. We're glad to have you!

  3. I've made the bowls too, they are fun to do.
    I love the notebook cover

