Monday, August 17, 2015

Alphabet Vase DIY

School is set to start in one week.
In some places, it has already begun.
Here's a little something that would be a great teacher gift or even cute classroom decor.

It's an alphabet vase.

I got everything I to make it at a dollar store.
1 large vase
1 medium vase
2 packages of alphabet/letter magnets

I started with two vases- one should be able to slide into the other
 with just a little bit of space around it.
Then I dropped the magnets one at a time into that little space.

By dropping them individually, I was able to make sure they didn't double up on each other.
This photo shows that the interior vase isn't as tall as the outer one which is ok
 because that part will get covered up in the next step.

Then I added a bit of tulle. Ribbon would have worked also.

The final step was adding flowers.
I used silk flowers, but real would look beautiful, too.

Here's to the last week of summer!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

The lamp of the body is the eye.
 If therefore your eye is good,
 your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

This post is linked to Natasha In Oz, Plucky's Second Thought, Lil' Luna, and It's Overflowing.


  1. This is a really cute floral arrangement. Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  2. This is so cute! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
