Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #178

 I've been on a big dry spell with my secondhand shopping. 
I haven't found anything good at the thrift stores in awhile.
I even hit a few yard sales last weekend to no avail.
Just because I'm high and dry doesn't mean I can leave you that way,
so we're going to throwback and look at some good finds from Thrifty Thursday #71...

Last week I started showing you the treasures that I picked up while out of town. Here's the continuation of what I bought while thrifting on my girls' trip. . .

I found this awesome old baby scale for $3.99 and it's in great shape!
It's going to sit on one of my living room shelves with some old books stacked on it.

Then I found this cute set of plates that weren't priced. They had a tag on the bottom that said they were a set of 10, but all I could find were these six. I only wanted one, but I took the whole set to the check out and offered $2. The sales girl balked at first, then rang me up for $2.

Since I prefer my dishes mismatched, I now have some extra cute plates that I can give when I share baked goods.

I fell in love with this plate. I got two of them for a dollar apiece- one to use in a project and one to add to my mismatched dinner set. Love those turquoise flowers!

I love the brown etching on the side of this glass. I'm not sure what kind of glass this is, but I picked up two at $.69 apiece to use on projects.

My final purchase was this darling blouse for $3. I fell in love with the colors!

I know that you're probably thinking how strange it is that my friends and I were stopping at thrift stores on our trip. I believe that I may have had something to do with it. . . :) They didn't mind- they had a good time and found lots of good stuff, too.

Good luck with your secondhand shopping this week. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.
Psalm 66:2

1 comment:

  1. You sure did find some great bargains. For me, no vacation is complete without a little thrift store and/or flea market shopping.
