Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #179

We took a quick trip to San Antonio earlier this week, and we stopped at an awesome junk shop.
I had read about it online and the pictures looked amazing. 
We followed the directions, but it was closed when we got there- even though we were there during it's advertised open hours. I called the number I found online and the owner answered.
He told me that he was on a run to get some more stuff for his shop, but he'd be back soon.
My hubby actually drove me all the way back there later so I could check it out.
We were on a mini vacation and I got to go junking. 
Does my hubby rock or what?

He actually had a great time looking around with me.
He even bought a few things.

He found this large ammo can.
It's 31"x 6"x 12".
How cool is it?
So cool that he got. . . 

two of them.
He paid $30 for both.
What a great deal!

I fell in love with this awesome old pulley.
How great is that color?
It's 14" tall. It cost $20.
I'm not sure just what I'll do with it yet, but I couldn't pass it up.
Any ideas?

My hubby also found an old book called The Radio Manual that he's super excited about. It's about radio frequencies and the electrical theory (sounds pretty dry to me:)
 It cost $10, and he said it's worth every penny.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8

1 comment:

  1. I love all anything with old cameras or any vintage film finds, thanks for sharing them at Dream Create and Inspire. Maria
