Friday, October 2, 2015

A Peek At Texas Antiques Week

You all know how I just love secondhand shopping.
Well, last weekend, my hubby took me someplace I'd never been before. . . 

We had a great time. 
Take a look . . .

These welding hats were turned into lights!
How awesomely creative is that?

We saw so many car fronts- and by that I mean actual fronts off of cars.
After this trip, I've decided that a Volkswagen hood would look pretty cute on my fireplace mantle:)

The tents went on forever.
I can't tell you how many miles were covered with booths.

I love spools in all sizes.
When I see lots of one item like this, I think, "Man, I'd like to go wherever they went to find all this!"

The booths were full of all kinds of miscellany.

There's a Volkswagen trunk- it's even a good color:)

I love seeing how the vendors display their goods.

How great would it have been to bring home that blue workbench?

Love these drawers.
If you gave me a bit, I could figure out a use for them:)

I was so glad that we got to go.
I'm so blessed to have a hubby who enjoys secondhand shopping with me!

This was an awesome show. We saw all kinds of treasures.
The only drawback I noticed was the prices. I felt many were on the high side.
I guess since they were part of an antique show they thought they could charge antique prices?

Come by this Thursday to see what I bought.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; 
whom shall I fear?
Psalm 27:1

This post is linked to The Crafted Sparrow, Life With Lorelai, Lil' Luna, and Funky Junk.


  1. Roundtop is so much fun! We went a couple of years ago and had a blast. Can't wait to see what you treasures you found!

  2. I was not able to go this Fall, but your photos made me wish I'd made the time!
