Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #191

Well, this was a dry thrifting week
unless you are a bibliophile like me. . . 

I couldn't pass up this Standard Handbook for Secretaries.
I paid fifty cents for it.
I have quite a few secretary handbooks and someday I'll find a good use for them.

It's filled with all kinds of stuff secretaries used to have to know.
I just love old books.
This one was copyrighted in 1969.

I'm always reading a book- not like I spend my whole days reading. More like I always have a book that I'm in the process of reading. Know what I mean?
Anyway, I enjoy Harlan Coben novels- they're a quick read.
I got them for a quarter apiece.

I also got these two for a quarter each.
Nicholas Sparks has a tendency to make me cry- and I hate to cry, but that doesn't stop me from reading his books. :)

Oh, and here's something I picked up at a yard sale recently and haven't shown you yet.

This beautiful worn, wooden chair.
I was happy to pay $5 for it.
It's really sturdy, too, which isn't always the case when I buy secondhand chairs.

How about you guys- did you get any good secondhand scores recently?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Our soul waits for the Lord; 
He is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:20

This post is linked to Ivy and Elephants, Too Much Time, and Life With Lorelai.   

1 comment:

  1. I graduated from business school (in Boston MA) in 1969. We were taught how to serve coffee/tea to our bosses and how to keep track of their personal expenses. Boy have times changed. I retired (happily approx 3 years ago) and never used any of that at work.
