Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #193

I braved a dreary, rainy day last week and headed out to see if there were any yard sales.

Believe it or not, there was one brave family.
They had stuff sitting out on tables in the driveway getting wet
and a bunch of stuff still in boxes in the garage.
People were rifling through the boxes looking for stuff.
I may or may not have been one of those people. . . 

I was thrilled to find this old flour sifter.
It was only $1.

I totally love this lid. Yep, I bought it without the pot.
The lettering got me. It says, "U.S.  G.M. Co. 1944."
I really would like to turn it into a wreath, I'm just not sure how I'd hang it.
Any ideas? 
It was fifty cents.

I also got this pie tin for fifty cents.
I think it's pretty old.

I paid $2 for this cheese plate with a glass dome.

Last, but not least, I got a few Mason jar rims for fifty cents.
I'm wanting to make a wreath with these, so I've been on the lookout for them.
I need quite a few more before I can get started on that.

$4.50 well spent. It was worth shopping in the rain.:)

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, 
and He delights in his way.
Psalm 37:23

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, Life With Lorelai, and Too Much Time.  


  1. I sold one of those sifters older than that for less than a dollar this summer.

  2. Boy did the pie tin bring back mom had a couple of those. As for the lid, you might try using a piece of wire on the inside lip. Just string it around and twist to tighten. Leave it long enough to make a hanger out of the ends. Hope it works for you. Best ~Mickie

  3. Boy did the pie tin bring back mom had a couple of those. As for the lid, you might try using a piece of wire on the inside lip. Just string it around and twist to tighten. Leave it long enough to make a hanger out of the ends. Hope it works for you. Best ~Mickie
