Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #197

When I stopped into the thrift stores earlier this week, 
my boys were sitting in the car waiting to go to Sonic, so I intended to hurry.
But my favorite store was having a book sale.
They do that when they're overrun with books.
I can't help but go through them all when they're two for a quarter!

I've seen this book in there before and I've been tempted to get it for the pretty cover.
I've resisted up until this visit.
I went ahead and got it since it was practically free:)
I love how the title says, "Birds," but there aren't any pictures of birds on the cover.


I looooovvvvveeeee old textbooks.
This one is a little rough around the edges, but . . .

check out its graphics!!!

I also picked up this large Mother Goose book.
I won't feel so bad cutting this up since it's a paperback.

The images are amazing!
I'll use these pages for paper crafting and for wrapping small gifts.


My final purchase was this silver tray for $1.50.
It's hard to see, but there's a beautiful picture of a peacock engraved on it.
I love the trim around the edges, too.

These two boxes full of vintage patterns were freebies.
My neighbor was cleaning out her garage and asked if I wanted them.
Well, of course I did!

That's it for my secondhand finds this week.
I wish you luck finding a good sale this weekend.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I will praise You, O Lord ,among the peoples
Psalm 57:9

This post is linked to Too Much TimeA Cup of Joe, and Embracing Change.

1 comment:

  1. Great finds! I have boxes of old patterns dating from when I was a teen in the 60's
    . I am planning on doing a scrapbook of my clothing through the years, including old pictures of me in outfits that I sewed and the fronts of pattern envelopes. I even have a few fabric scraps saved to use. But then I am stumped about how to use the rest of the patterns. Could you do a post on how you use them in your crafting?
