Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #200

It was a light week of thrifting this week.

I got this lovely silver tray for $1.
It's in good shape and is heavy duty.
I got it for a friend who asked me to find some for her.

I also got these four packages of ribbon (actually 3 packs of ribbon and one of twill tape).
They were a quarter apiece.
I can't pass up vintage ribbon. . . however, I have quite a supply of it, so I gave it to the same friend.

I also got these three nice kids' books for a quarter each.
Unfortunately, my boys are too old for such stories, so I'll take them to the nursery at church.

It was a good thing that this is all I found because I didn't have much cash in my wallet.
I paid for half of this purchase in coins.

Have you had any good finds lately?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

God is my strength and power
2 Samuel 22:33

This post is linked to Blue Willow HouseThe Crafted Sparrow, and Life With Lorelai.  


  1. I cannot seem to pass up sewing notions even though I no longer sew. Love the idea of buying books to donate.

  2. The silver tray caught my eye. That is because I also got one exactly like it at a thrift store. And why do peple get rid of them right? I have mine by the sink holding dish detergent, hand lotion and brushes. Perfect for keeping mundane stuff looking pretty.

  3. Like Donna I can never pass up sewing notions. I think we received that same silver tray as a wedding gift many years ago and I still have it. Great idea to find books for the church nursery. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm and I hope to see you back this week.

  4. Ooh, nice tray! You've got some pretty cool finds there! Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty!
