Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #206

I was super excited last weekend when I saw an ad in the classifieds
for a junk sale at the local KC Hall.
My hubby and I went to it last year and it was a small sale, so we were still hoping that it would be bigger this year. When we got there, it seemed like there were a few more vendors.
We saw lots of good stuff.
We even got a few good scores. . .

Check out this old Brownie movie camera I got.
I just love it!

It was $10.

We got to the sale right after it opened. The first booth we stopped at, I spotted this awesome 
green stool. The gal in the booth was asking $25 for it.
I couldn't think of what I could do with it, so I kept moving.
She said that she didn't want to go home with anything, so she'd be glad to make a deal with me.
My hubby later told me that he was surprised she was bargaining so early in the day.

As I was looking at the other booths trying to make my mind up about the stool,
my hubby informed me that he could use it at his potting bench.
That sealed the deal for me.
I headed back to get it.
How much do you love that chippy paint?

I also picked up these two sets of metal file drawers.
The gal said she'd sell each drawer set for $10 apiece, but would let me take them with the stool for $40. They have a few scratches and dings, but no rust.
I thought I got a great price on them!
I haven't decided what I'll do with them.
The gal in the booth suggested making a base for each of them and turning them into end tables.
I kinda like that idea.
Any other suggestions?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue
 keeps his soul from troubles.
Proverbs 21:23

 This post is linked to Blue Willow House, The Crafted Sparrow, and Life With Lorelai.


  1. What awesome finds! Especially the camera! It's nice that you can find frugal things and a make a second life for them. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the filing cabinets!Thanks for sharing and hope to see you back #HomeMattersParty

  2. Wonderful finds, I love them all. Your post is my pick for feature of the week at Vintage Charm so I hope you will come over tomorrow and check it out. Lest I forget thank you for sharing you finds with us last week. sb
