Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #211

There are a few secondhand items that I have dreams of finding
 like a card catalog, an old dress form, and a pull-down school map.
I guess you could call it a thrifter's bucket list.:)
Today, my friends, I have of those items to show you.
Yep. I got a bucket list item.

Behold: a set of old lockers!
I can't tell you how thrilled I am to finally have my own set.
I had to scrub them clean, but they are all in great shape.

I also got this set of locker fronts.
The lady selling them said that the backs of the lockers were damaged, but this part could still be used for a magnet board. Well, she had me there. I couldn't very well pass it up.

For the set of six lockers and two locker fronts, I paid $108. 
It was a splurge purchase for me, but I couldn't pass up such a great price on lockers.
I've looked at lockers before, but they always cost way more than this.
I plan to put the lockers themselves in my son's room,
 but the locker fronts will look quite cute sitting behind a vintage desk in my living room.

What do you think?
What's on your thrifter's bucket list?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Serve the Lord with gladness; 
come before His presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2

1 comment:

  1. That was one great splurge. I've been looking for lockers it seems like forever and you got yours at a very good price. Thank you for sharing your fantastic find at Vintage Charm.
