Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #215

I always enjoy Thursdays because I get to share cool things that I find while secondhand shopping.
Sometimes I find great stuff, but I don't buy it. 
Today I'm going to show you some of those great finds that I saw, but didn't bring home.
Last Saturday, my hubby and I went to an estate sale out in the country.
I always have high hopes for country sales:)

We were there on the last day, so everything was half off the sticker price.

I spotted this old Singer sewing machine right off the bat.
While I loved it, I didn't really have a need for it.
It was marked $18.

I saw this funny little thing.
I guess it's a repair kit for a lighter.
I wouldn't have gotten it, but I thought it was pretty unique--- and old!
I didn't see a price on it.

Look at this beautiful, old Montgomery Ward catalog.
The photos were just awesome.
It was priced at $90.

I sure did like this old movie projector.
It was $20.
I love these, but I already have two. . .

Would you have picked any of these up?
With the last day discount, most of them would've been great buys.
I just can't buy every cool old piece I find. . . not with my hubby there, anyway:)

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
Prov. 25:11


  1. I would have gotten the Camel repair kit to go with the Camel lighter I have for sale in my Etsy shop. Cool find.

    My dad still has his old movie projector like that. We watched old home movies on it a couple months ago.

  2. Fun to see! I have a sewing machine like that, but I would have picked it up for resale. They are $100 around here. I use mine in vignettes quite a bit. Can't believe the price on the Montgomery Ward catalog. And that was half price? I think my cousin gave me one similar. The photo on the cover seems so familiar. I need to look. I hopped over from Vintage charm. co-host a link party Share Your Cup Thursday. It's about sharing the things that make you happy. Would love if you shared some time.

  3. Since I recently bought a vintage Singer sewing machine on an iron base I would have passed on the sewing machine but I probably couldn't resist the Camel repair kit. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm this week.
