Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #216

Well, I went to a rummage sale at a church around the corner from my house last weekend.
I never know what I'll find at a church sale. They're usually pretty big.
This one sure was.
All I bought were books, though.

I couldn't resist these old cookbooks.
The only thing that would be better than getting these four is getting the rest of the set!

I also picked up this old cookbook.
The graphics are great.
I plan to use them in a recipe themed scrapbook.

I adore old textbooks.
I got both this English one and this Spanish one.

I love the covers on these books.

I also picked up these three old looking books.
The red one is an old dictionary.
I got all the books that I've shown you so far for a friend who is planning to redecorate her bedroom.

I also got these two yearbooks.
I'm not sure what I'll do with them yet.

I just love the poses in the sports section.

I got all these books for just $3.
What good stuff have you found recently?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

O Lord, You are my God.
I will exalt You, 
I will praise Your name,
for You have done wonderful things
Isaiah 25:1

This post is linked to Blue Willow House, Too Much Time, The Crafted Sparrow,
 and Simple Nature Décor


  1. What cool finds! I love going to the thrift store, you never know what you'll find :)

    Edye | Http://

  2. I look forward to see what you find each week. Love all these old books especially the old year books. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm.
