Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #220

We haven't had too many yard sales around here lately-
probably due to the all the rains we've had this year.
I do believe we are way ahead on our average rainfall.
I did, however, get to go to an estate sale this past weekend.
It was in a nearby town, so I just assumed it was a hop, skip, and jump away.
 (Geography is not my strong suit.)
My hubby took me and it actually took us about 30 minutes to get there.
 (Turns out it was quite a few hops away:)
You're probably wondering if it was worth the drive.
Well, since I'm blessed to have a hubby/best friend who truly enjoys going with me to these secondhand sales, I'd have to say that it was worth it- even if we hadn't found anything.
But we did find a couple of things- or actually I did.
He looked, but didn't see anything that he wanted

I loved this old school desk from the first time I laid eyes on it- even though it was extremely dirty and covered in cobwebs from years of sitting in a barn.
It was marked $15 and everything was half off the marked price.
I wasn't sure if I wanted it for $7.50 since I already have two of these desks at home.
I offered $5 and the lady said she'd take it.
Well, for that price, I couldn't just leave it there, could I?

I also got these two old yardsticks for $1.50 each.
I'm wanting to get quite a few of these for a project.
That's it. I only spent $8.
Two good finds, don't you think?
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
The Lord is high above all nations,
His glory above the heavens.
Psalm 113:4


  1. I have a desk like the one you bought. I have it by my front door on the outside and I have a plant on the desk part. It always gets compliments and it is great to tell people to leave whatever on the desk. I also have a wooden one that I plan on redoing. You got a great bargain. I have seen them at salvage yards for a lot more.

  2. You sure found a couple of amazing bargains. I'd say it was well worth the drive!
    I'm always on the hunt for inexpensive yardsticks. They're getting really hard to find around here.

  3. I always buy yardsticks and love the cube ones like you found. Thank you for sharing your wonderful finds at Vintage Charm.
