Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #226

Two Saturdays ago, I headed out all excited hoping to have a morning full of yard sale-ing.
I cruised my neighboring area and didn't find any sales.
There were only two yard sales advertised in the paper; only one was any good.
Isn't that funny that when you have time on a Saturday to go to garage sales,
 there aren't any to be found?
One of the two I went to was at a storage unit- it was actually in a large building
 on the same land as the storage units.

I spotted this scale, but it was marked $15 and I didn't want to spend that much.
The gal running the sale said she was up for making deals.
I asked if she'd take ten dollars for the scale. She said sure.

Then I found this slide carousel tray.
It was marked five dollars, but she took two for it.

While I was wandering the aisles of stuff, I spotted this metal thing.
I sent my hubby a text asking if he'd turn it into a light for me.
It took him awhile to answer, so I ended up having to go back for it.
This four dollar piece of some kind of metal will make a rather unique light fixture!
I was tickled with my purchases.
That's it for this week.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
He who follows righteousness and mercy
finds life, righteousness, and honor.
Proverbs 21:21


  1. Laura, I like your finds. My favorite is the scale. I can't wait to see your light fixture!

    xo Dianne

  2. That metal piece is going to make a fantastic light. What are you going to do with the slide carousel? I see them from time to time but can't think of anything to do with them. Love love love the scale. Great finds and thanks for sharing them at Vintage Charm.
