Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #227

The other day, I swung by Goodwill with a trunk full of stuff to donate.
Naturally while I was there, I had to take a buzz through the store.
I don't go there as often as you'd think I would.
I am so glad I did.
Check out what I found. . .

I rarely buy secondhand purses or clothes, but today I made an exception
when I found this brand new Sakroots purse for $7.99.
It came with a key ring and small matching bag.
It literally had no wear. I love the happy print.
Would you believe that I was needing a new purse? I was excited all day about this score.

I was also thrilled when I spotted this metal receipt holder.
It isn't vintage- it's a replica. Nevertheless, I love it.
I'm excited to do something with it, I'm just not sure what. I'm thinking photo display. . .
It was $6.

My third find was this vintage Pyrex mixing bowl for $2.
It's small, but in great shape.
My teenage sons love to use my mixing bowls to eat cereal out of.
 I prefer when they choose a smaller size bowl like this.

I can't believe the three fantastic things I walked out of Goodwill with.
 I will have to stop there more often!
What's your take on Goodwill? Do you go often?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
that I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11

This post is linked to Blue Willow HouseThe Crafted Sparrow, and Crafts a la Mode.   


  1. Great finds! Don't you love it when you have a day like that? The purse is beautiful.

  2. Love the purse set you found and the replica receipt holder will make a cute photo holder. I can never pass up a Pyrex bowl. Thanks for sharing your finds at Vintage Charm.

  3. Great buys! The old adding machine is my favorite. It looks very classic and vintage.
