Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #229

The thrift store was having a book sale-
12 books for a dollar.
So, naturally, I had to go through all their books.
Here's what I found. . . 

I loved this little book.

It doesn't have a copyright date, but it is definitely book.

I picked up this Worship Hymnal. Even thought I have several, I can never pass these up.

This old Reader's Digest book is in great shape. I'll probably turn it into a journal.
I picked up the second book because I thought it looked like a good read.

This is a Mother's Encyclopedia. It's full of medical info.
I'll use it for papercrafting.

I am a sucker for old textbooks. This one was printed in 1967.

I also got this 1967 Reading textbook.

I love the graphics in these old books.

This paperback was printed in1951.

Once again, I was drawn to the graphics.

I was intrigued by the title of this book.

It's filled with written instructions on several different dance steps.
Cute, huh?
It was printed in 1962.

This pages of this book and the earlier encyclopedia will become pages in a junk journal.
I love the fun element they add.

It was printed in 1966.

I didn't find this book too interesting until I opened it up. . .

and saw the reprinted ads inside. Isn't this cool?
While this was a slow week of secondhand finds, I am tickled with each of these books I got.
Do you enjoy finding old books?
Well, we have rain forecasted for the rest of this week, so I don't know if I'll be able to find any yard sales this weekend. I wish you luck if you are able to find some.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Establish Your word to Your servant,
who is devoted to fearing You.
Psalm 119:38

1 comment:

  1. Oh my 12 books for a dollar I would have thought I was in book heaven. You made some fantastic choices. Thank you for sharing your thrifty finds at Vintage Charm.
