Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #15

     Hello out there in Blogland! Just giving you a quick peek of my treasures from my last yard sale outing.
     My hubby and I headed to the edge of town to a sale that had advertised "animal cages." Since my hubby is in the market for some of these, we made sure we were one of the first people there. Well, the animal cages weren't in good shape, but I did find these beauties:
I got this pretty glass dish- I bought it because it looks like milk glass (but it isn't). It was one of the more expenisive things I bought- $.75:) 

I fell in love with this tin canister. I love the colors! It's not your average tin container- it has a knob on the lid and was made in England. They were only asking a quarter for this! I plan to use this to help organinze in my craft space.

Couldn't pass up these doilies and hankies for a dime each. Somebody really put some time into these.

This bundle of mixed flowers was only $.75- I can always use flowers! These still had the tags from Hobby Lobby on them.
I also found these packs of foil stars for a dime each. They'll be placed on a scrapbook layout in the future.

Am I the only one who cannot pass up a box of jars? Don't even know what I'm going to use these for yet.

I bought this charming picture because of the beautiful frame. This guy was only a quarter. I forsee chicken wire and spray paint in his near future!

     Can you believe that I walked away with all of this for less than four dollars?!?

    Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

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