Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to School Teacher Gift Ideas

     Hi Guys. Hope you all had a great weekend! With school starting next week, I thought I'd show you a few ideas for teacher gifts. It's nice to start out the year giving the new teachers a gift. My boys always got excited to take gifts to their teachers, and I know the teachers always appreciated the sentiment.
The first idea is this necklace that is made with part of an old wooden ruler, then is embellished with a pearl and a crystal.

Here's a close up photo.
I've had this old ruler for awhile (got it at the thrift store) and I've been wanting to turn it into a necklace. I think it turned out cute.

Here's another one with a ruler- it is embellished with a silver computer charm and a bead.
If you want to make one of these, you just need to saw off a little more than an inch of an old wooden ruler. (I sawed on either side of two numbers.) Then you can drill a small hole at either end. (I used my Cropadile II to make the holes. If you do that, you need to be gentle, so you don't crack the wood.)
Then you use a jump ring to attach the beads and charms.
It's easier than it looks. :)

Here are a few ideas that I have posted in the past, but they are cute and easy to make, so I thought I'd revisit them.

A decorated clipboard would be a great idea for a teacher. Just cut your scrapbook paper to size. I usually place a strip of different paper about 3/4 down. This allows your paper stretch all the way to the bottom of the clipboard.

I always decorate the back of the clipboard- that's the part people will see when the clipboard is held.
When you adhere the paper, Mod Podge works great. Have a dry paper towel handy, so you can flatten the paper down before the glue dries. The dry towel allows you to press out any wrinkles.

Another easy idea is to cover a Composition notebook. Just cut the paper to size and adhere it with Mod Podge. Use the paper towel trick I mentioned above.
I used ribbon to cover where the two pieces of paper meet on the left.
One final idea is to use floral tape to attach a flower to the end of an ink pen. Then place the pens in a flower pot. I used pinto beans in the pot. You could attach a tag that says, "Can't wait to bloom this year."

     I have always loved coming up with ideas for gifts to send to school. This year, however, my two boys are going to do K12 online public school. They get the same education they would if they went to a brick and mortar school, but we do it all at home on the computer. Some classes are all online and some we use text books. We did this with my older son last year, and it was a great experience- he learned so much! This year, both boys will participate. My hubby and I feel this is what is best for them at this time now that they are headed into 6th and 7th grades.
     Come back Friday when I'll have some more ideas for gifts for teachers. Until then, thanks for stopping by and God bless.  
Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

    This post is linked to Brassy Apple, Todays Creative Blog, and Craft-O-Maniac.

Tip Junkie handmade projects

1 comment:

  1. Great teacher gift ideas Laura! I really love the pens planted as flowers ... something you know the teacher will use again & again :~)
